Transactional or Transformative? (What is the Big Deal?)

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking? The ...

Joy in Work and Beyond

[To feel joy in whatever we do is an open and well-known secret of happiness. How to discover this joy? ...

Inner Feelings and Relationships

(Harmonious relationship is one of the major aims of collective living. What is the main factor which can bring this ...

Effort and the Output: An Uncommon Approach

Our modern culture, especially the corporate culture, is heavily result-oriented, with an excessive focus on outcomes, such as profits and ...

Types of Thinking and Thought Leadership – Integral Perspectives

[Published in CHARTERED SECRETARY, Journal of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India] Abstract In an integral perspective, and also ...


(An alternative view on excellence in work in the light of Yogic Psychology) We all say or think that we ...

The Power of Focus

[This article is a review of a special issue in Harvard Business Review, titled ‘Find Your Focus’, in the light ...

Three Paradigms of Human Development

In the future world, the most vital resource that will determine the success and greatness of a group will not ...

Concentration and Time Management

Generally when men are in a hurry, they do not do completely what they have to do or they do ...

Beyond Goodwill

(Towards compassionate understanding) But she was quite a wonderful person! In the beginning she had taken an attitude of benevolence ...

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