Nurturing the Employee Community

In a broader perspective, corporate responsibility includes not only the community outside but also the human community within the organization. Here again there are well known role models like Tata steel in India or SEMCO ofRead More…

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Building of the Steel City

Right from its early beginnings it was clear that the mission and the working of the various companies within the Tata group is societal. From all the companies in the world I have known, Tata isRead More…

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SARVAM: An Experiment in Integral Community Building

An integral approach to village development which includes the inner growth of people as well as the outer development of the community; with a people-centric inclusive and participatory process of growth; where development programmes and activitiesRead More…

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21st Century Business Responsibilities

Alarm bells in 2008 have warned that twentieth century ideologies and institutions cannot meet twenty-first century demands for business responsibility. AS 2009 wound down, ‘financial meltdown’ and ‘economic recession’ became amongst the most frequently used wordsRead More…

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