Work and Life: Balance or Choice
Is it possible to perfectly balance work and life or do we have to choose between them? This article examines this question in the form of a case study, followed by a commentary in the lightRead More…
Is it possible to perfectly balance work and life or do we have to choose between them? This article examines this question in the form of a case study, followed by a commentary in the lightRead More…
The concept of “Stress-management” is a limited approach to corporate health. Similarly, some of the corporate wellness practices like in-house gyms, picnics or flexitime, though helpful, are cosmetic remedies which tries to alleviate symptoms but doRead More…
A modern organization is a network of work and relationship. So corporate wellness has to be discovered not entirely through inner peace but through the joy of effort, work and action and in the harmony ofRead More…
Self Management – The Right Attitude to Work and Life. Building an inner temple made of peace and equanimity is the lasting solution to the problem of stress. The modern corporate world is enanamoured of change.Read More…
“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking? The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.” – Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī “To take on debtRead More…
(The key to effective use of money lies in right giving and proper circulation with an intuitive understanding of the rhythms of the vital force behind it.) Homepage intro: how to use money in the rightRead More…
(On the occasion of India’s Independence day on 15th August) There is almost a consensus among modern intelligentsia that secularism, as it was conceived and practiced in the West, is the best ideology for democratic governance.Read More…
A Synopsis of Sri Aurobindo’s Major Works M.S.Srinivasan Sri Aurobindo is a versatile spiritual genius, who is not only a Master-Yogi with profound spiritual realizations, but also a great scholar and thinker who wrote extensively onRead More…