Uplifting Stewardship

(A profile of a great political leader who can be a role model of inspired leadership for a country or the CEO of a company.) “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness inRead More…

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Nelson Mandela – Leading From The Heart

(This article presents a brief leadership review of a great leader who liberated South Africa from apartheid). To those who observed him closely, Nelson Mandela always carried himself as one who was born to lead. AsRead More…

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The Path Finder

Say ‘Landmark’ and it rings a bell in your head. The store, in many ways, revolutionised the book industry. Meet Hemu Ramaiah, the Founder of Landmark Bookstore, who built her business on the foundations of faithRead More…

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Dimensions of Effective Political Leadership

In this article, which is a tribute to a great nation builder, Sri Aurobindo brings out vividly some of the dimensions and qualities of effective political leadership. Key Perspectives The nation builder; who can see theRead More…

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