Building of the Steel City
Right from its early beginnings it was clear that the mission and the working of the various companies within the Tata group is societal. From all the companies in the world I have known, Tata isRead More…
Right from its early beginnings it was clear that the mission and the working of the various companies within the Tata group is societal. From all the companies in the world I have known, Tata isRead More…
Earning money was essential but it was not the essence of life. Corporations have to create social capital, economic capital, spiritual capital and ecological capital. Companies that don’t create this kind of wealth would be dissolvedRead More…
The inner spirit or soul of an organization is embodied in its Mission, Vision and Values. This article presents a brief summary of the emerging perspectives on the subject. An organization has an inner core andRead More…
Way to implant the idea in the consciousness of the individual and the collectivity. A vision or a value is an idea which has to be internalized in the consciousness of an organisation. This process canRead More…