Beyond the Uncharted Landscape – Book Review Jayachandran

This book has been written keeping in mind college students and young professionals who are in the early stage of their career. The author has consciously used very simple language and used real life examples so that every student who reads this book can understand and relate himself or herself to the situations mentioned in it. This book itself is the outcome of a number of interactions and many questions that the author has asked during his sessions and interactions with the students and colleagues.

This book starts with the question ‘why are you here?’; after reading this book, the reader will be able to find his/her answer to this question or at least will start searching for the answer.

Beyond the Uncharted Landscape concludes with the chapter ‘Our planet & our environment’ by M S Srinivasan. Here he discusses about the evolutionary journey of nature, the scientific conception and spiritual conception of evolution and he also speaks about overcoming inner maladies in our consciousness to solve all the problems faced by humanity today including the environmental ones.

The beautiful part of this book is that it touches the spiritual aspect of career growth. The word ‘spirituality’ not used very often yet the foundation of this book lies in spirituality and every chapter ends with the quote from the Mother.

As I have mentioned in the beginning, everyone who reads this book will relate themselves with it as if it has been written especially for him/her as it deals with real life dilemmas and problems faced by young professionals who have either just entered or aspire to enter the corporate world. Readers can find solutions for problems that they could possibly face during the early stage of their career.

Though Beyond the Uncharted Landscape uses the word ‘B-school’ very often, the book is not only useful for B-school students and management professionals but for every student studying in college and for everyone else who is in their early career years.

As stated by the author ‘this book is a guide to the land beyond the horizons. Read it as often you want. Whenever you are happy. Whenever you are sad. Whenever you feel lost. This book might be the compass you were looking for’.


About the Authors

Achal Rangaswamy is one of the most successful and accomplished sales and marketing professional in India. He often visits various business schools in India and offers advice to students there on what corporates expect from B-School products in their early years at work. He is also a very successful trainer in the area of selling skills, time management and leadership. Achal Rangaswamy is a recipient of the ‘AMA-Zydus Cadila Marketing Man of the Year Award’, conferred by the Ahmedabad Management Association.

M.S. Srinivasan is a Senior Associate at Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry. He is pursuing studies and research in various fields of knowledge as a part of the spiritual discipline for inner development. He has authored many books and published many articles in the field of management, Psychology, Social Sciences and Indian Culture in many reputed national and international journals.

Jayachandran F

Research Associate

Sri Aurobindo Institute of research in Social Sciences (SAIRSS)


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