Using Thought Power
To want unwaveringly the welfare of another both in the head and heart is the best help one can give. – Sri Aurobindo We can help others from a distance through a proper use of ourRead More…
To want unwaveringly the welfare of another both in the head and heart is the best help one can give. – Sri Aurobindo We can help others from a distance through a proper use of ourRead More…
Our human mind is an instrument for formation and organization of knowledge for action. In this article Mother describes the nature and functions of the mental instrument and how to use them in the right way.Read More…
Here are 15 tips which will encourage you to develop and put to good use your capacity to think straight. 1. Do Your Own Thinking. If you simply swallow what you see, hear and read withoutRead More…
Our human mind is a very limited and conditioned instrument of knowledge. For transforming the mind into a perfect and flawless instrument of knowledge it has to open itself to a higher consciousness beyond the mind.Read More…
“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking? The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.” – Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī “To take on debtRead More…
(The key to effective use of money lies in right giving and proper circulation with an intuitive understanding of the rhythms of the vital force behind it.) Homepage intro: how to use money in the rightRead More…
(On the occasion of India’s Independence day on 15th August) There is almost a consensus among modern intelligentsia that secularism, as it was conceived and practiced in the West, is the best ideology for democratic governance.Read More…
A Synopsis of Sri Aurobindo’s Major Works M.S.Srinivasan Sri Aurobindo is a versatile spiritual genius, who is not only a Master-Yogi with profound spiritual realizations, but also a great scholar and thinker who wrote extensively onRead More…