Rajarishi Leadership – A book Review

The ancient Indian spirituality presents two great ideals: First is the ideal of the sanyasin who renounces the world and becomes a wandering monk. The other one is that of the perfect Karma Yogi  who lives  and acts in the  world  from an enlightened  consciousness  which is free from ego and desire, calm and composed in action, and as a result much more energetic , efficient and creative than the one  who is driven helplessly  by his ego and desires, and living in the turmoil of  his passions.

This book under review presents a thoughtful and comprehensive exposition of the second ideal of the Karma yogin in the corporate context .Such a karma yogin is called as the Raja Rishi and conceived as an ideal leader for piloting the corporate world.

The authors of the book S.K.Chakraborthy and Debangshu Chakraborthy write from their long experience in the corporate world.S.K.Chakaraborthy is a former professor and founder convenor, Management Center of Human Value. IIM, Calcutta and a pioneer in the domain of Indian ethos to Management. Debangshu Chakraborthy is a professional Manager with varied experience in top and middle management positions in different companies.

This book argues that only a leadership inspired by authentic spirituality based on the ancient spiritual wisdom of India and its modern exponents like Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda and Rabindranath Tagore can heal the problems and melodies facing the corporate world and steer its evolution. This book offers critical insights into spirituality-in-action — with concrete example from the corporate world—- which will be useful for leaders and managers of enterprises, scholars and researchers in Management, Sociology and Post- Graduate students in these areas.


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